葉月もえ プロフィール


  • 弟の嫁が不憫なので、相談に乗るフリをして変態マゾ女に調教してやった 葉月もえ
    もえの旦那はゲームばかりして、全く相手をしてくれない。ある日、旦那のお兄さんが遊びに来た。食事も終えお茶をしている時に旦那の愚痴を聞いてもらった。義兄は旦那と違い親身で優しかった。そんな義兄に会いたい一心で義兄が一人で住む家に行った。既にもえの心を見抜いていた義兄は、相談に乗るフリをして…。Moe's husband only plays video games and doesn't give her any attention at all. One day, her husband's brother came to visit. When we finished eating and were having tea, he listened to my complaints about my husband. Unlike my husband, my brother-in-law was kind and gentle. I went to the house where my brother-in-law lived alone because I wanted to see him. The brother-in-law, who had already seen through Moe's heart, pretended to be a counselor…

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